It’s been around 11 years since we moved from a static web site showing fixed content to a content management system (CMS). The CMS we used was based on a classic ASP community developed called SkyPortal; this, itself, a development of MaxWebPortal. Whilst there are still many web sites out there written in classic ASP, support for the language has declined and the system has been supeceded by and, more widespread, php. This, our new web site, is built using a modern CMS, WordPress, written in php and very well supported. WordPress is predominantly free but all the ‘plug ins’ that are added to the base build come in basic (free) versions and also in ‘pro’ versions with ever-more features.
We have set up a new site based on the current web site. Forums, were to be demised due to little user interaction but, after careful diliberation, they are retained as they provide a simple means for our members to create content. Better events calendar, better social media linking, far better media features for photos and video and a single sign on ability to allow CAMRA members to use the site with their CAMRA credentials.
So… now it’s up to you to make your views known. Take a look at the site and see what is here and, more importantly, what’s not. Let us know what you want. Clearly, we have a lot of content to transfer from the old site but there are snippets here to show the concept. Use the replies to let us have your ideas. Most things are possible: colours, design, features, links…
The photo slider on the home page needs to have photos that really show our group image.
There is no ‘Join CAMRA’ link.
Although there is a reference to CAMRA on the home page, should we have CAMRA’s ‘mission statement’ in full?
Photos of some younger members would definitely help. With respect to my fellow members, too many bearded old blokes!!
Definite yes to the mission statement.
Happy to Gerald if you can find me some!
Haha yes indeed, easier said than done
Looks pretty good on a mobile and comments are open to anyone!
Not sure what stage of development you are at Ian, apart from one way ahead of what I could come up with so I will be measured in what I say.
Clearly it is going to be a big step forward from the current one which I had stopped using because of difficulties posting etc.
I think that it would benefit greatly from much more colour, the current black/grey/blue still looks rather dated. It looks as though it will be much more user friendly and appealing.
At the risk of opening up a can of worms, I think that the current logo is terribly dated (like the old BO one) and in dire need of updating. In the current climate perhaps something featuring the city/spire would work well?
Just some thoughts. I’m not pushing it….
Thanks Gerald, I have to admit I quite liked the colour scheme, I find it very easy to read and I think it looks fresh and modern but each to their own; let’s see what others think; it is all very easiliy configurable.The logo… oh yes, can of worms definately opened 😉
Logo at the top is not the branch one as it does not have the words Campaign for Real Ale on it
Thanks Mike…, it’s the same logo we’ve had on the web site for many years. I updated it when we had the new artwork done for Barrel Organ’s ‘facelift’ incorporating the new roundel a couple of years ago but, give or take a bit, it’s been on the web site for 20 years!
As far as I can see it does comply with the CAMRA Brand Guidelines which states:
The example given in the guidelines has the roundel used
I was going to drop the forums in this website but I cannot find a simple way for members to post, certainly no simple way to create a new post. I’m therefore going to set up a simple forum structure based on the most used forums in the old wesite.
An excellent web site Ian. Modern and fresh looking.
Have you considered adding a Branch Diary (you already show events) and some sort of contacts page, Or even a list of committee members.
Thanks Alan. The branch diary is there – just use the ‘Events’ menu. The committee is also included, click on the Branch Contacts at the bottom of the screen.
I can’t find the list of branch officers
It’s at the bottom or each page VVV. Branch Contacts.
Is there a way for us to post photos taken at branch events?