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    • Ian TurnerIan Turner
      Post count: 24

      Good Beer Guide Selection

      Nominations for inclusion in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide (GBG) are submitted by the local CAMRA branch. In Salisbury and South Wilts the procedure for selection is:

      • The premises must be nominated by a branch member who has visited the pub and submitted at least one NBSS score for that pub in the period following 1 March in the year that voting commences.
      • That the licensee/person responsible for managing the beer, except as agreed below, shall have been in position prior to 1 August in the year in which voting commences.
      • Where the licensee/person responsible for managing the beer changes between 1 August and 30 November the establishment may be nominated provided that it has received five NBSS scores it must be made by five different members visiting on different days.
      • All nominations must be made to either the member elected as NBSS/GBG officer (nbss@salisburycamra.org.uk) or to the Honorary Secretary (secretary@salisburycamra.org.uk) and should be in written form.
        A record of nominations will be maintained by the NBSS/GBG officer and will be available at meetings and on the website (members section)

      Voting papers will be distributed via the annual mailing from the December branch meeting and voting will close on the last Saturday in January the following year.
      Where there is a tie, number and level of NBSS scores will be taken into consideration.

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